To Educate all families with the chiropractic TRUTH and impact our children's futures by erasing labels placed upon them.
To see the Mat-Su Borough's health culture shift to a more natural and wellness focused, where chiropractic care is FIRST choice.
To give ALL children and families the opportunity through the power of adjustments to live a drug and subluxation free life, allowing them to express themselves to their fullest potential.
To always continue my education to best serve you by integrating current and future techniques and technologies.
"Within all of us there is Innate potential. Bee-lieve in yourself
and all that you are. " -Dr. Josh Christensen
We’re here to help you achieve your goals, overcome labels and "Bee Well!"
Forget the pills! We are committed to YOU, with all-natural chiropractic care we’ll empower you and get your spine free of interferences, so your body can heal from the inside out. No pills. No harmful toxins or temporary fixes, just pure innate healing. Dr. Josh will help facilitate your recovery. “My job is to listen to you, understand your concerns, explain the cause and offer the best care your body needs." -Dr. Josh
We Love Children and Ba-Bees!
We care for newborns and bee-yond in the Mat-Su Borough. But, we absolutely LOVE to see kids and kids love to come to Bee Well Chiropractic. They are greeted with a child friendly atmosphere and get to play silly games with Dr. Josh. We are always willing to talk, never force adjustments (sometimes a visit may just be a happy visit, to come and see/play), we will show them equipment and let them experience the office on their terms.
Call Dr. Josh if you have any questions @ 907.745.2430